This is a hard to find Tri-life Health podcast archive from 2009. Hear from Dr. Billica as he shares Biblical truths about achieving optimal health, God’s way. I am sorry that some segments are missing but I have not been able to locate them.

Roger Billica, MD, is the founder and president of Tri-Life Health, PC, in Fort Collins, Colorado since 2001. Dr. Billica served as the doctor at Grand Canyon National Park and later entered the US Air Force as a Flight Surgeon and Chief of Aeromedical Services at Luke Air Force base. He then became Chief of Medical Operations for the NASA Space Program at the Johnson Space Center in Houston and supervised the medical aspects of over 60 space shuttle missions as well as the NASA/Mir joint program.  — Tri-life Health,

Learn more about Dr. Billica and his illustious career here. Feel free to download and share with credit to source