Health Documentary Movies

Change is rarely easy, especially when it relates to what we love to eat. To give you an extra added nudge I encourage you to watch movies that will provide your with powerful motivation to keep you on the path to health. I’ve gotten to the point where I could binge watch these sorts of movies.

Never would I have imagined I would actually consider going “vegan” but I learned the truth about the food (or more accurately “food-like”) products I’ve been eating and the conditions surrounding the production of those products and the sick, inhumane treatment of most animals raised for consumption, the choice for me became very obvious.

I can still see the haunting images of one of the first such videos I watched. While I don’t remember the title, it was a behind the scenes look at chicken egg farms, something like this one. I remember thinking, “nothing healthy can come from this environment.”

Then I watched a video of a pig farm—I was stunned at the mistreatment of these animals. Again, knowing the highly stressful environment and the resulting hormones stress creates, I knew the meat from such a place could not be “good” food.

Recommended Movies to help you commit to change

PlantPure NationForks Over Knives
What the HealthHungry for Change
Fat, Sick & Nearly DeadFat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2
VegucatedGMO OMG
In Defense of FoodFood Inc.
If you subscribe to Netflix, they currently have a dozen movies of this genre. Also many are on Amazon and you can search YouTube for more. And considering the degree of non-conformity to the “correct narrative” you might need to search for content on alternative channels like Bitchute, Brigtheon, Gab TV, Odysee, Rumble… etc.